Idaho Public Health Meaningful Use Registration
This survey is for registering Providers and Hospitals to indicate their intent to submit data to meet the Meaningful Use (MU) public health objective. Providers that intend to meet the MU Stage 2 (MU2) public health objectives within the state of Idaho must complete this registration of intent indicating the provider intends to submit data electronically. Eligible Professionals (EP) and Eligible Hospitals (EH) must register intent no later than the 60th day from the start of the Electronic Health Records (EHR) reporting period.

Successful ongoing submission is one way EP and EH can meet MU2. For those currently submitting immunization data electronically via HL7 (Health Level 7) on an ongoing basis to IRIS (Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System) will automatically meet the MU2 public health objective and are encouraged to contact directly. 

The Idaho Public Health Meaningful Use Registration survey must be completed for each public health data reporting system in which intent is registered for.

Which Meaningful Use (MU) stage are you intending to register acknowledgement for?
Which Meaningful Use (MU) stage are you intending to register acknowledgement for?
Are you applying for the Medicaid, Medicare, or Dual?
Are you applying for the Medicaid, Medicare, or Dual?
What Public Health data reporting system are you registering intent for?
What Public Health data reporting system are you registering intent for?